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About Code Kit

Code Kit is a visual coding editor from EduKits.

  • Simple but powerful design and interface
  • Easy-to-use for beginners
  • Built-in code upload (Code Kit Pro)
  • Growing video documentation
  • Growing block and feature libraries

Feature Comparison

We are aware of a number of other visual code editors for Arduino. Code Kit is well designed and rich with features but may not be the best solution for your specific use case.

The table below outlines some of the key differences between the most popular alternatives to Code Kit. You can click on each feature to learn more about what makes Code Kit unique.

FeatureCode KitArdublocklyArduinoBlocksBlocklyDuinomBlockTinkerCad
Visual Block Coding
View Live Code
Direct Code Upload
Intuitive Interface
Regular Updates
Extensive Block Library
Typed Variables
Pins & States as Variables
One-Click Copy Code
Customisable Toolbox
Browser Autosave
Advanced Mode
Interface Dark Mode
Cool Loading Animation

Visual Block Coding

All options provide drag-and-drop block-based coding, making Arduino programming accessible for beginners. This visual approach allows users to create programs by connecting colourful, predefined code blocks.

View Live Code

Code Kit, Ardublockly, BlocklyDuino and TinkerCad allow you to see the generated Arduino code as you build block programs. This feature provides a valuable learning environment for beginners, bridging the gap between accessible visual programming and daunting text-based programming.

As users add, arrange, and modify blocks to visually construct their Arduino programs, they can view the Arduino C++ code generate automatically beside it.

Direct Code Upload


Direct code upload is a premium Code Kit feature, available with our Code Kit Pro and Code Kit Classroom subscriptions.

Code Kit and other popular choices let you upload your block-based Arduino projects directly to your board. With other solutions, this feature generally creates more trouble than it's worth. Code Kit takes a different approach, which is evident in a few key ways.

  • Web & Desktop Upload — Users can compile and upload code directly to a connected board via our desktop app or simply in their web browser. Our desktop app works offline, so once installed, users can experience a more flexible and portable workflow.
  • No Install Required — Uploading from our web app just works. You don't need to install a connector app or even our desktop app to use this functionality.
  • Works on Chromebooks — Because our web upload feature handles everything in the browser, users can enjoy direct code upload via their Chromebook devices.

Intuitive Interface

A well-designed visual coding environment should make programming feel intuitive and fun. It should also be accessible to equally accessible and engaging to users, regardless of their prior programming experience.

Code Kit's visual block coding interface is designed with a strong emphasis on usability. We understand that many of our users haven't programmed before, while others may have only a little experience. Here are just a few of the ways we believe Code Kit stands out in this domain.

  • We're thoughtful in our design. Everything has a place. One of the most common pieces of feedback we receive about Code Kit is that it's the most well-designed and intuitive block coding app for Arduino. If you want to verify this for yourself, just try out the alternatives we listed in the table above.
  • Blocks are colour-coded to match their category. This makes it easy to identify where a block came from and what its functionality might be, all at a glance.
  • When arriving for the first time or starting fresh with a blank project, we offer suggestions on how to get started with a tutorial video and a list of blank projects.
  • We don't hide away the generated code or make users look for it. Code is generated and displayed automatically in the sidebar for users to examine, copy, and download.

Regular Updates

The landscape of Arduino and electronics is constantly evolving. Code Kit is one of the few visual programming solutions that continue to keep up.

Many alternatives receive updates only rarely. Others have ceased development altogether, leaving bugs unaddressed and some features half-baked. For example, the last release of Ardublockly was in 2016, while BlocklyDuino's last release was in 2020.


Code Kit generates Arduino-compatible C++ code that can be compiled and uploaded to Arduino boards. Our app is designed to work with a broad range of official and compatible boards. Users can select their specific board type within Code Kit and the available blocks and pin configurations will automatically adjust to match.

Extensive Block Library

A rich library of pre-built blocks is foundational to any block coding tool. However, more blocks is not always better.

When test-driving alternatives like ArduinoBlocks with much larger block libraries than Code Kit, we were generally underwhelmed by bugs, quirks, and lack of usability. A larger block library offers compatibility with a broader range of inputs and outputs, but they also make it more difficult to maintain a quality piece of software.

We'll be honest—Code Kit's block library is smaller than its competitors'. And we're proud of that. We put care into each and every one of our blocks, informed by consistent design standards, best practices, and continual user feedback.

When you use Code Kit, we think you'll notice and appreciate the quality of our small yet powerful library of blocks.

Typed Variables

Arduino variable types can be complicated to build into a block coding application, so most Code Kit alternatives avoid them. Generally, integer (whole number) is the only supported variable type.

On the other hand, Code Kit balances the power of typed variables with a keen interest in usability, especially for novice programmers. Users can define variables of all the primitive types in Arduino C++, including int (whole number), float (decimal), String (text), and bool (logical true/false). Code Kit colour-codes types and runs type checks to prevent variables being used in places where they are incompatible.

We also take things a step further by offering an expansive range of advanced variable types, allowing experienced users more control and flexibility.

  • Signed Integer Types — Positive and negative whole numbers.
    • char
    • short
    • int
    • long
  • Unsigned Integer Types — Positive whole numbers, i.e. numbers greater than or equal to zero.
    • unsigned char
    • unsigned short
    • unsigned int
    • unsigned long
  • Floating Point Types — Decimal numbers.
    • float
    • double
  • String Types — Strings of text.
    • string
    • String
  • Boolean Types — Logical true/false values.
    • bool

Pins & States as Variables

A unique and useful Code Kit feature is the ability to specify pins and states as variables. This means that there are generally two ways for users to specify most properties.

  1. Drop-Down List — Where appropriate, blocks in Code Kit offer sensible defaults and offer basic options as part of a drop-down list. For example, when setting a pin state, users can select the pin from the list of pins available on their board. They can also select the desired state from a true/false drop-down.
  2. Variable Input — Alternatively, users can replace

One-Click Copy Code

Code Kit provides a convenient one-click copy feature that allows users to easily copy the generated Arduino code to their clipboard. This is useful for sharing code snippets and exporting to other apps like the Arduino IDE.

Customisable Toolbox

Code Kit empowers users to personalise their visual programming environment with a customisable toolbox. Users can enable and disable toolbox categories based on their needs and experience levels. This adaptability makes Code Kit ideal for both classrooms and individual exploration.

Browser Autosave

Most solutions will automatically save users' projects in the browser, allowing them to leave and come back later without losing work. Code Kit implements an autosave mechanism that ensures users' progress is automatically saved within the browser, preventing accidental data loss and enabling seamless continuation of projects across multiple sessions.


Most Arduino block coding solutions offer some level of documentation. However, Code Kit's documentation is, by far, the most extensive.

Code Kit goes well beyond the basics with its comprehensive documentation. Whether a beginner to Arduino and programming looking for guidance or an experienced user seeking specific information, our documentation is designed to help all users get the most out of Code Kit.


Another area where alternatives are lacking is in support. Code Kit is the only solution we know of that offers human support. Users can reach out to our friendly EduKits support team for assistance with questions, feedback, or issues regarding Code Kit.

We read every email that we receive from our users and take their feedback seriously.

Advanced Mode

While Code Kit excels in providing a beginner-friendly visual coding experience, it also caters to more advanced users with its advanced mode. Activated via the settings modal, advanced mode unlocks a wider variety of blocks and variable types.

Interface Dark Mode

Code Kit currently has three visual themes: Light (default), Dark, and Magma. The dark mode and magma themes provide a comfortable visual environment for users who prefer a darker interface.

Also, all our themes just look cool.

Cool Loading Animation

Because great experiences are in the details.